Collection: Unakite

Unakite is celebrated for its nurturing and balancing energy. This beautiful stone is a combination of green epidote and pink feldspar, creating a unique and vibrant pattern. Known for its ability to promote emotional healing and balance, Unakite helps to release emotional blockages and foster a sense of well-being. It is particularly effective for grounding and centering, connecting the heart and root chakras, and encouraging personal growth and emotional resilience.

Physical Healing Properties:

Supports reproductive health and pregnancy
Enhances overall physical well-being and vitality
Aids recovery from illness and injury

Emotional Healing Properties:

Helps release emotional blockages and traumas
Fosters emotional balance and resilience
Promotes feelings of love, compassion, and understanding

Spiritual Healing Properties:

Encourages spiritual growth and enlightenment
Enhances meditation and inner peace
Promotes grounding and connection to the Earth


Zodiac Sign: Associated with Scorpio, Gemini
Chakra Stimulation: Balances the Heart and Root Chakras
Element Resonance: Resonates with Earth